About me
I have more than 25 years of human resources experience first acquired as an HR consultant in, among other domains, assessment, career counselling and outplacement.
Later on I became HR manager & director responsible for general HR management and various HR projects, organizational transitions, and change management, among others.
I worked both locally and internationally, in large corporations as well as small and medium sized companies, in different sectors and industries.
Over the years I helped hundreds of people to regain happiness in their work and become motivated and effective again.
As professional coach I find it very important that my clients know they can trust me. Therefor I fully endorse and respect the code of ethics as defined by the ICF (International Coach Federation).
My specialties are career coaching and outplacement, training & development, assessment, organizational redesign and transition, and personal branding.
To summarize: I have extensive, broad expertise concerning the in, through, up and exit processes of people in organizations. I work at the request of individuals and companies to find win-win solutions that are beneficial for all parties.